>20 million multires poly count

Below are two responses from Kent from the CGC discord about this topic and how to fix it:

"If you're wondering how you ended up at 25 mil at the "same level 6" as me, it all depends on the polycount of the retopology. Your retopo is higher poly than mine in the video and each subdiv level quadruples the count.

Awkwardly your level 5 is only 7m which isn't quite as high as needed for crisp pore details.

To fix optimize this I would recommend deleting the multires, and increase your polycount on the retopo slightly (by cutting a few new edges loops and evening out adjacent loops). Mathematically the goal would be to end up between 12-17M polies once you subdivide up to level 5.

If you don't want to do that, I'd try to get away with your level 5 right now (7M). 25 mil is going to be a huge time waster when you do test renders (edited)

I only have 32 GB of RAM so I'm not even going to attempt it. Yikes."


"You could solve this by lowering (deleting edge loops) or increasing the retopo polycount (adding edge loops). I would just go a bit higher to retain the shape. Lower could risk some shape fidelity. To go lower, the goal would be to end up around 12-17 M at level 6, higher would be 12-17 M at level 5 (edited)"
  • fearguyq replied

    Comment to show the question is answered.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thanks for copying this info here from discord!