When Map Range causes procedural texture effects to "flip"

I've noticed that sometimes when I'm adjusting the map range node values with a procedural texture if I send one of the values too far above or below 0 the effect "flips" (like an area will become progressively more concave than suddenly it will flip to convex). Do you know what is going on here with the math?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi ffearguyq a screenshot would be helpful here.

    One of the values? There are 4 and they only have meaning in their combination.

    Let me give you an example, when your From Min and From Max are the same (and the to Min and To Max are not), then the input is sent to two different values at the same time and this does not make sense, but when From Min is slightly less than the from Max, then that small range is sent to the To Min, To Max range and and a large range is sent to an even larger range, going to infinity (if To Max is larger than To Min), but If you now cross the border and  From Min becomes slightly larger than the From Max, then that suddenly 'flips' to - infinity.
