(Can't add images, there is a bug on this website. It's strange. :-(
Subdivision surface disabled in render (12)
Error message: ''Autosmooth or custom normal detected, disabling GPU subdivision.''
I added a modifier, to The mesh ''pot'', datatransfer, to fix the normals so it can have a perfect shading. The source of the datatransfer is pot_normal. Pot_normal is a copy of the mesh pot, that I divided in two, to keep the perfect round shape that has perfect shadings.
I ''copied to new driver'' the levels viewport and render in subdivision surface options from pot to pot_normal, which is both ''4''.
I had to check the box: autosmooth, in order to make the datatransfer to work. But when I do so, the error message above appears, and subdivision surface cannot be applied in render mode (12).
Pointless Solution:
I have to either uncheck both autosmooth or delete the mesh pot_normal. But this is pointless since the idea is to make a datatransfer.
The question is why do I get that error message? Thank you.
GPU Subdivision is brand new and has some glitches and doesn't work always, but when disabled, you can still use and render Subdiv.
It is only an accelerator according to the description:
Hey maxcady ,
To add an image to your question use the add image tool in the top bar.
After processing has completed, click the + on the image to add to the question.
I asked on Facebook before I got an answer here. He said exactly what both of you said. Before someone helped me I tried to bypass the problem just by checking the autosmooth box at the very end after the subdiv has been applied.
Thx for the answer guys! :-)