I have 3.0 I have a blurry view when the ship and camera move. How do I fix this?
Hey Edward,
can you be a bit more specific on the issue you have, perhaps a screen shot or a link to the file via google drive, dropbox or similar.
Is this happening when you preview the animation in the 3d viewport in rendered viewport shading?
If so make sure you have Eevee selected in the render properties and not cycles.
I use SHIFT+CTRL+I to save a screen shot, but that is the hotkey combination set via my GPU.
You can render the 3d viewport without a camera and lighting,
Click the VIEW menu at the top left of the 3d viewport and select viewport render image, when its done, click image and save or save as.
Each frame of the animation is one image, 24 frames = 24 images.
Its blurry because cycles can't render each image quick enough before the next frame of the animation.
This course is designed to use Eevee rather than Cycles.
Using rendered viewport shading with Cycles is good for viewing a single image or frame, but not viewing an animation.
If you are using Cycles for a project then material preview mode will play the animation without the blur, this mode essentially uses Eevee for the viewport even when Cycles is selected.
3.0 uses CyclesX, a complete re-write of the Cycles code.
The Settings panel looks a lot different, but the default settings should be fine for this project.
Btw. for taking Screenshots there is a lot of software available. I mostly use Flameshot: https://flameshot.org/
on Linux, but it is also available for Windows and Mac....and it is free and Open Source!