Pokemon Challenge

Contests and Challenges

                                        “If anybody’s out there, you can come out.

And if you’re a monster or a ghost, you can stay where you are, and we won’t bother you.”

                                                                                                                                           -Ash Ketchum

The Challenge: To celebrate national Pokemon day on Sunday 27th February,

the challenge is to model and texture a  Pokemon character of your choice.

No animation is required, however you can if you have the time, and to challenge yourself further.

'Gotta catch 'em all!'


  • Use Blender
  • Model a recognisable Pokemon character.
  • Submit your result to the CG Cookie Gallery by February 27th 2022  23:59 US CST
  • You are encouraged to create a WIP thread in the community forum for review with the title Pokemon Challenge 2022 - [Charecter Name] - WIP.

    Your WIP thread should consist of progressive images with a short explanation of the process at each stage.

Why a Challenge

A challenge rather than a contest because its for you to challenge yourselves and the knowledge you gained from a course to create a masterpiece of your own making.

A rules based challenge to maintain consistency and fairness, whilst also maintaining safety to prevent accidents.

A challenge to be the best you can be from the knowledge you have today, while striving to be even better tomorrow than you was yesterday.

Most importantly, a challenge to have some fun.

How we'll rate your Pokemon.

The CG Cookie crew, @wesburke , @theluthier , @jlampel and @waylow , will review and pick 4 favourite Pokemon.

Criteria to include a Pokemon of your choice.

The 4 picks get:-

  • Featured across the Gallery for an entire week
  • Shared on CG Cookie's Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with the artist's social media accounts tagged
  • 500XP points

Make sure to add your social media handles to your profile.

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    Congratulation to the top pick winners. 

    • 👍
    1 love