Why can't I mirror my vertices?

I tried as the instructor did to select all the vertices of one side of the switch in wireframe view and mirror along the x-axis, but only the side that I selected moves; not the other side. Is this a bug? I will note that I have replicated what I seen the instructor do.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Can you post a screenshot of when you try and move the Vertices on one side? (Full UI, please)

    If it is not one of these two things:

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied


    1. Make sure the origin is in the center

    2. Delete the other half of vertices. 

    3. Make sure the symmetry is on the Y axis. Look on the viewport, Suzanne is facing on the  X axis however her ears facing  on the Y axis.

  • frankfriesen replied

    So after trying to get my screen capture to work(and failing) I have decided that instead of using mirror for both sides, to instead just select all the vertices for the switch and scaling along the x-axis. I appreciate you guys wanting to help.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    You can use Blender itself for the screenshot:

  • frankfriesen replied

    So this is the image. As you can see I moved the right side but the left side didn't move, even though I had the X-axis mirror enabled above the viewpoint rotator.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    That is weird. There is one thing I found: when you have Topology Mirror enabled, that might cause this:

    (Don't ask me what that is for...)

    Otherwise I have no idea what could be causing it.

    As long as the Body is symmetricall, you could also use a Mirror Modifier in stead, like euv mentions above.

  • frankfriesen replied

    Yeah, it must be a bug or something because even if I don't have topology mirror checked it still doesn't mirror properly. 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Did you try this on just the default Cube? (New file.)

    Are you using any third party Addons? Try it with: File > Defaults > Load Factory Settings.

    Also make sure that your graphics driver is up to date.

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    ffrankfriesen I don't think there's a bug. There's no loop cut in the center of your object. That's why Blender doesn't have a clue what you want to do.

    Here's my example you should do with the mirror.

    Another way to mirror an object:
    1. Make sure its transform pivot point set Median point (default) to 3d cursor (align with the origin).
    2. Turn on the mirror modifier and choose the desired axis.
    3. Go to edit mode and press A to select all. Move the object in the same position as the axis portrayed on the mirror modifier.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    euv I agree with you that it's probably not a bug, but there seems to be a slight misunderstanding here; it is not the Mirror Modifier that is giving us sleepless nights, but the Edit Mode Symmetry/Mirror (which is used in this tutorial).

  • adrian replied

    Hey all,

    It looks to me as only 2 things will cause this issue,

    1, The origin is not in the centre of the object, on the mirror axis, in this case the x axis.

    2, The geometry is not symmetrical on the x axis. If you moved the verts, even a fraction then turned on x mirror, it will not work.

    To solve this I suggest add an edge loop in the centre, delete one side of the mesh, add a mirror modifier, enable clipping on the modifier, move the edge loop you added in the x direction until they stick in the centre, apply the mirror modifier,  delete the edge loop and continue.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Excellent points @adrian2301 !

    Although it looks as if the Mesh is symmetrical and the Origin is in the center, there might be something slightly off...

    Sounds very likely, actually.

  • frankfriesen replied

    Alright. Thanks for all your responses! I will keep this in mind for my next project!

  • CCWieland replied

    I had the same problem and found that it was the Vertex in the X axes that was not symmetrical. thankful for frankfriesen Q&A.

  • thehomme replied

    I have the same problem. I centred out the body to 0 on X. And transformed from 3d cursor which is set at 0 0 0.

    As you can see some edges mirror but most don't.


    I don't need to fix this but I'd like to understand what's gone wrong if I can

    Still can't seem to add images direct to posts

  • thehomme replied

    This is my workaround

    irror workaround.png

    1. Move on the x to about the right position
    2. Make a mental note of the x value.
    3. Undo and then set the X to nearest integer
    4. Select the other side vertices and set that x to negative of the previous integer
    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey thehomme ,
    You should be able to add an image using the image button on the content toolbar.


  • thehomme replied

    I've now worked it out. The trouble I had was sometimes that button isn't visible. ing image button.png

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah when you ask a question from a lesson page you don't have the option.
    when asking in the community Q&A you do.

    A feature we asked to be added sometime ago, and are still waiting for, time for another nudge on this I think.