First thank you thank you thank you for this course it actually has answered all my questions especially how to correlate underlaying anatomy to exterior facial features. No matter how many anatomy charts I looked at couldn't get my head around it. Now a request can you do a similar course for the whole body my be just in terms of proportions and understanding anatomy in relation to character design. By the way happy fatherhood mine is 24 yrs and they never leave :)
Thanks for this rrezabehjat11! I'm very glad that you enjoyed the course and that it answered your facial anatomy questions.
I've received several requests about a full body, including yours, so it's definitely something on my radar now! Admittedly when the head alone took 2 years, I quiver to think how long the whole body will take me 😅 I'm intrigued by the prospect though.
Thanks for following the course and sharing your feedback + suggestion!
Consider this another request @theluthier ,
What I find really helpful is the use of the step-by-step Loomis-inspired formula to achieve the correct proportions.
A similar approach for hands and feet would be fantastic.
And, add another Thank you.
The Loomis inspired system you created a masterpiece to behold. It would make a mathematician and a biologist giggle. During the reccomended prepatory watch through I was taken back to my early biology classes in college and being floored at how elagant life is. Seeing all the measurments and proportions reference each other was so cool. I'd call it magical, but that would take away from the two years of work to create the system! So satisfyingly systematic!