Quixel Mixer for texturing

Another popular texturing app is Quixel Mixer, and it’s free too!

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    Somehow my PC can't handle the file size though. 😐

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    It looks like it's come a long way! I'll need to check it out again sometime.  

  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    I'm going to check this out. Thanks for mentioning it!

    Maybe it's frequency illusion kicking in but I noticed that, on the bottom of the Quixel Mixer main site, there is some text written in such a way that could imply Blender is a part of the suite of tools Epic has been assembling via buyouts.

    Coming after the YT video mentioned on the Discord which does more than just imply that the HUMAN course is a Metahuman-to-Blender workflow this makes me feel uncomfortable. I hope it doesn't become an actual trend.

  • Joel Wagner(roofoo) replied

    Blender is free and open source and the license prevents it from ever going closed source. So don’t worry. I think they are just pointing out that Quixel is compatible with Blender.

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