On Mesh Modeling Exercise 1, I have loop cut the cube to make the 90 degree cutouts on the corners. However, when I make ...

On Mesh Modeling Exercise 1, I have loop cut the cube to make the 90 degree cutouts on the corners. However, when I make the new back faces, Blender wont dissolve them into the original faces. Is this ok? From the example shown I cant tell if this is acceptable geometry.
  • Stanley Leland(wanderingmonk7) replied
    You are not required to follow the examples. Best way to do the corner insets of the cube is to select all the faces and use the inset tool with the cntrl key constraint. Here is a thread showing one way to do the corners. http://community.cgcookie.com/t/help-needed-on-the-mesh-fundamental-exercise/2370
  • Michael Prostka(michaelprostka) replied
    Thank you! That works a lot better than the direction I was trying to go!