Halloween Challenge 2021 WIP - Creeper (*spoilers*)

Contests and Challenges

Okay, I'm in! I know I am supposed to post WIP images but it's so spoiler-y! XD Of course, I will still post so people interested can see what progress I might be making.

The scene occurs in an average home. I like that it will give me the opportunity to model a bunch of fairly normal, everyday items that I could potentially reuse for other projects down the line.

First WIP shot coming soon!

  • adrian replied

    Its like watching 'the making of' before the actual movie, right?

    You could post a few images of your individual models, and write a small part of the story before the revealing of the final scene, sort of like a comic book strip.

  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    It is, yeah!

    Now that I've sketched out the idea I've realized that it should be pretty easy for me to show stuff without giving too much away - though I'm sure people could guess. :D

  • adrian replied

    You really are keeping us in suspense! 

    Go on! just a sneak peak!

  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Aw...I feel bad because right now I got nuthin! I might have to bow out of the project since I've been so busy and the times I have been able to fire up Blender I've been mostly working on eyes.