Keep showing previous keyframe as you're working on the next one?

posted to: Character Ball

When working on a particular keyframe, I find that it'd be really helpful to have the previous keyframe there as well (maybe a bit transparent/shadowy, so that you know that it's the previous keyframe, kinda like when you watch racing games you have that shadowy car that represents the current record run as a reference). 

Does Blender have something like this? Or are there addons for it? 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    ccarbs Grease Pencil already has this, but for 3D you'd need an Addon, for instance:

  • carbs replied

    Thanks, that seems to do exactly what I was looking for!

    Edit: I just learned that this is called onion skinning and is standard for 2d animation (as you said, Blender grease pencil has it too). I feel like it should be for 3d too, seems like such an essential QoL improvement.