Mirror modifier help

posted to: Model a Husky Puppy

I'll probably ask a ton of questions, but here's the first one

I don't quite get how to properly line these up, is it part of the exercise that the image isn't aligned perfectly or am I doing something wrong here?

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    You're using the mirror modifier correctly. If you look closely at the illustration of Husky its nose is not in the center. Even its right eye is located pretty far. If you're too concerned about perfection you may wanna move the "origin" a little to the right so the right side of the mirror aligns with the husky's right eye. 

    For my personal preference, this is why I don't rely on illustration when I model. I just eyeball. Right now I'm practicing sculpting and later I'm gonna use the sculpted Husky that I created and use the shrinkwrap modifier as a guide for modeling. 

  • gabrieljim replied

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I see, so I gotta take some liberties with this one then, since yeah, front/side view don't match perfectly, gonna have to use my creativity hahah

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    ggabrieljim Take these illustrations as a rough orientation. In probably most cases you'll never get it aligned perfectly. I had to learn this when scultping Piero. Front and side view especially  of the "legs" didn't fit to each each. So, I had to free myself a little bit from simply copying the lines 100 %.  And in any case, when working with a "Mirror Modifier", you'll later apply it in order to break the symmetry because no creature is 100 % symmetrical down to the tiniest detail. There's a certain degree of symmetry on the macro-level, but you'll tweak the details in order to avoid the unnatural looking perfect symmetry from the applied "Mirror Modifier".