Snap to Volume not working as expected

posted to: Snapping

Hey :)

I was revisiting this course to solidify my understanding of transforms and snapping when I ran into a snag that I'm SURE didn't happen the first run through. Snap to volume.

When you snap to volume, snap with center, it goes to the center of the volume of the torus. Not for me, though when I do this now. Pressing G to grab and bringing the cursor into the torus doesn't snap it to the center of the torus volume... it jerks/snaps the chair into the torus, but then doesn't snap into the dead center of the volume like it does for you. 

It's almost like it doesn't care where it is, as long as it's inside the torus it thinks it's at the center of the volume. I wondered if I was doing something wrong, so I tried it with a cube, but same thing.

I made sure all my settings were the same as yours (global, median point, snap to volume/center) but no bueno -- wondering what I'm doing wrong. Did I accidentally turn something off or not turn something on?

Thanks in advance!


  • spikeyxxx replied

    It's almost like it doesn't care where it is, as long as it's inside the torus

    that is exactly what is happening and also what is expected!

    It snaps the center (Origin) of your Object to the Volume of the 'target object', not to the center of the Volume.

    Understandable, because: where is the center of the volume of a Torus? (Or where is the center of a Klein bottle?)

    That is a similar question as: where is the beginning of a circle? 

    You didn't do anything wrong, but the video might have suggested something that is not true...(yes, even God-like creatures like @jlampel are human and make mistakes sometimes, although not as much as me;) ) Snapping to a Volume of a Sphere, snaps you inside the Sphere, not to its center!

  • Mike Hadden(alataks) replied

    Once again, you're the man ;) Thanks so much!

    Watching it back again, I think I saw something that wasn't true lol It looks like when he's moving the chair through the volume of the torus that it's in the center of the ring (ie. literally going around in a circle in the middle of the volume of the tubing of the torus.

    But having watched super closely, I can now see that it's not what I originally though -- thanks for chiming in and helping me not feel so crazy ;) 
