I can't get the backer rig to work in my blender 2.92
Tried downloading the backer rig from this files and from resources but stil cant manage to switch ik/fk etc
the lite version provided here has issue with the eye
Do you know how to fix it, I really want to complete the last exercise
When opening the file in Blender 2.79 the right eye is correctly orientated:
But in Blender 2.92, it's rotated 180 degrees around the Z axis:
There's a Python script in the file. Maybe, this is the culprit. But I'm just guessing ...
comicsserg Better ask @waylow ...
Hey comicsserg ,
I have no issue with the eyes in 2.92.
Looks like you have an old version of Baker, try downloading the new one from Baker Rig - CG Cookie , available to citizen members.
The eye controls are different in the latest version.
in the new rig from the resources page the problem is with the IK/FK switches as they are not working on my blender 2.92 probably because the rig is made with some sort of tool or older version
Thanks for the link to the updated rig, adrian2301 😀! I'm just wondering why in the old version, when opened in Blender 2.9x, only one eye is rotated incorrectly in its default pose. Furthermore, I could select the head bone and move it but it wasn't highlighted.
@waylow I already started exercise with another rig to finish the course. I hope it will not be a problem