Having an issue with the solidify modifier on the top clamp

I'm having an issue with the thickness of the top clamp when the extrusion is made around the 3 minute mark. It seems significantly thicker than the rest and I don't know how to fix it.

  • adrian replied

    Hey sskeletonball 

    Looks like you need to apply the scale. With the object selected, in object mode press CTRL + A and select scale, this will reset the scale value to 1

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    you will find that scale, rotation and sometimes location will cause much trouble

     when left not applied and then using more modifiers and such

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Almost always Apply the Scale,  it is usually better to not Apply the Rotation (and try to always rotate in Object Mode), although it is not crucial. But almost never Apply the Location; that can often get you in real trouble!

    (Those two uses of 'almost' are only there to cover possible cases that I haven't encountered yet, but that maybe exist, where it is better to not Apply the Scale, for instance...)

  • Casey G(skeletonball) replied

    thanks to everyone who answered, applying the scale fixed the issue.