Hey jjesse94 ,
It's not a completed microphone, but I will give you some feedback on your microphone model so far.
Scale - Try to model everything to real world scale. It looks about 6 metres high and 2 metres wide. You can scale it with 'S', but remember to apply the scale with CTRL + A and selecting scale. Unless of course your modelling for BFG.
Proportion - The size of the button is very small in proportion to the microphone, when you scale to real world size, the button will be the size of the pointed end of a pin.
Modelling Technique - I am not sure how you modelled the head of the microphone, but it looks very inefficient. At a guess I would say you started with a cube, subdivided twice, added a tonne of edge loops, and added a wireframe modifier. Can you give more info on your model, number of verts, modifiers used etc., etc.
I would do this either with an image texture or procedurally in the shader editor.
Here is an image using a cube with a subdivision modifier with a level of 2.
This is a very simple shader set up for a similar effect.
Hope this helps.
Have you tried the Mesh Modeling Bootcamp ? It's a great course here on CG Cookie.
Keep posting your progress for more feedback. I look forward to seeing you rock with your final microphone model.
Hi jjesse94
there are (mainly) two things bothering me....the facetedness (low-poly) of the head (why is that not more like a perfect sphere? Doesn't make any sense acoustically...), but even more this 'connecting line' troubles me:
Now, don't get me wrong, everything is allowed, you are the artist and you can make whatever you like, but if you are trying to make a 'realistic' microphone, I am sure you can do better ;)
But Kudos from me for doing a microphone anyway!