So, the other day I thought I would follow the video "Introduction to Hard Surface Modeling." I watched the tutorial trailer and immediately noticed that an older version of Blender was being used by the Instructor, but I thought it wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately, it was. I hit a wall 25 minutes into the video because the menus and buttons and the instructions weren't matching what I was seeing in my version of Blender. I spent a lot of time searching around, and I got different results. Frustrated, I put it away...
I am pretty knew to Blender. My first download was version 2.79, but I quickly jumped to 2.83 and have been using every since. So, to be clear, I realize there were once earlier versions of Blender, and I also realize that CG Cookie has been around for a while, which is why a lot of the tutorial videos feature older versions of Blender. Got it.
But what does one do when they're trying to follow a tutorial and can't because they're using a newer version of Blender? I assume CGC is working diligently to replace older videos - especially popular ones - using updated software, and now with 2.9 having launched, I am certain that CGC is fighting to keep up. It must be one heck of a job.
So, does anyone out there have any thoughts or advice? I was really bummed that I couldn't take the Hard Surface Modeling course. So, either it's me, i.e., I haven't attained an intermediate skill level yet, or it's just that hard to follow using a different interface.
I appreciate any advice given. Thanks!
You could try using the version used in the course (2.66)....Once you get very comfortable with 2.83 or whatever version you normally use, then you will be able to use the principles taught and use those techniques in a newer version. Even then, you might sometimes run into things that are completely different, or even gone, so you'd have to use a different 'tool', but then the Forum will surely be able to help.
The other way, is to follow so many 2.8+ tutorials/courses, until you are really comfortable and are able to follow older version videos without problems (apart from the occasional extreme change as mentioned before).
But maybe a less experienced user can give some other tips and tell how she/he does this....
jdeclanflynn I can only agree with
spikeyxxx that the better you know Blender 2.8x or 2.9x's user interface the easier it is to transfer the instructions for older Blender versions to Blender 2.8x or 2.9x. I've made this experience with the "Piero" course here which had been recorded with Blender 2.66 and 2.67. I started the course with version 2.66 so that I wouldn't need to reorientate myself in a different user inferface. But after the modeling phase with the transition to the "Texturing" chapter I decided to switch to Blender 2.8x and later to 2.9x (attention: files saved with 2.9x can cause problems with older versions!). Thanks to at least a sufficient knowledge about Blenders fundamentally changed user interface since version 2.80 I could figure out how I could recreate the model in Blender 2.8x and 2.9x. Some changes as for example the new "Collections" instead of the old layers even made life a lot easier! I've written my experiences into the comments of the different chapters so that other people will hopefully have it easier to follow the course with Blender 2.9x. So, if you can't follow the course you mentioned, simply post a screenshot with your question and we will find a solution 😀!
duerer hits the nail on the head at the end:
So, if you can't follow the course you mentioned, simply post a screenshot with your question and we will find a solution 😀!
There's a lot that's changed when it comes to the interface but the modeling workflow is pretty much the same. If you're watching an older course like that one from an instructor that's not very active on the site anymore, feel free to tag me or Kent in the comment so it doesn't slip through the cracks.
This is me.... use both.
Blender 2.79b = model only low poly and hard-surface with boolean modifier.
Blender 2.82 - 2.91 = transferring 2.79b project files to this build and render them. I really like the Denoise in the compositing node section. It's really made finer rendering time run a lot faster and easier.
I appreciate all of the responses very much. That's one of the things I love about CGC and Blender, too - the community! All of the suggestions are very reasonable, and I will give it another try. I too wondered if it was just my lack of experience using the Blender interface and not being able to connect those dots. It's frustrating to search for a function and you can't find it - even with the Search tool. So, yes, I will take screen grabs and ask questions if I get stuck. I really want to finish that course!
jdeclanflynn I'm very much looking forward to see your progress in this project 😀!