Hey all!
Picked up Blender a week or so ago and have become a little addicted - finding the beginner learning flow so immensely helpful. Going to stick every completed project in here and then hopefully I'll be a bit better about updating in the future. Lesgo.
First up was the low poly rocket, and this is where I immediately fell in love with the program. Being able to create this as a beginner thanks to the tutorial was just so satisfying. Animation isn't really of that much interest to me long term, but my rocket deserved to fly!
Next up was the Sci-Fi crate which I think was a good alternative to the rocket, but there was a lot of crossover in terms of the techniques. Still, using things like the mirroring effect were really good to learn.__________________________________________________
My first exercise submission - the low poly bedroom. Definitely took a long time and I had to do some Googling to learn how to do things like the wire or how emissions worked. Everything is just a big glow really - might revisit this now that I've completed the lighting flow.__________________________________________________
A few days ago then it was time to tackle the sculpting tutorial, and as much as I was already enjoying Blender (and CGCookie!) this is where it clicked for me. This sort of organic flowing sculpting is precisely why I wanted to learn Blender in the first place, so the 10-11 hours it took me to sculpt the shark and then do all the effects in Eevee, well, they flew by. Very excited to do more stuff like this down the line.
And then we come to last night/today and the lighting tutorial! Found the scientific breakdowns throughout this one really interesting, but the final project rolled around and for a while it was proving a lot more difficult than expected -Gandalf and his many textures/colours in particular. In the end I'm pretty happy with where I'm at though, and I feel 100x more confident in lighting my own future projcts...whichI suppose is the point really!__________________________________________________
That's everything I've done so far. I opened Blender for the first time on16/04/21 and now it's 22/04/21. It's been a busy 6 days! Going to take on the texture/material tutorial next, then I"m really looking forward to building the treasure chest and seeing all the different tutorials come together.
Thanks! Good tutorials and a lot of time on my hands has gone a long way aha.
A really good start - definitely good use of some spare time on your hands ;)