I don't have a num pad on my laptop, so is there a way to redefine the hotkey for growing/shrinking your selection so that...

posted to: Select More or Less
I don't have a num pad on my laptop, so is there a way to redefine the hotkey for growing/shrinking your selection so that I don't have to go to the select menu each time I want to perform this action?
  • Christopher Clark(cclark) replied
    Thanks for the tip on the "Emulate Numpad" a correction to note for anybody else that may read this, it is actually the control key and -+ not the fn key; or at least that is what worked for me. Thanks again for the response Jonathan!
  • david073 replied

    This doesn't quite work for me. The + key is actually the same as the = key on my keyboard. Ctrl+= causes More but then scales the whole drawing up. Is there an expert here who can give more detailed instructions about emulating the NumLock keys when a keyboard is completely lacking them (a disturbing trend among laptops today)? Or can Blender be changed to display the correct key combination to use?