Voxelize script problem

Hey, I followed the tutorial about the voxelize script. It worked all prefectly fine until this happened: https://streamable.com/uplvhk .

Here is the error message: https://streamable.com/s2phgz. Can anyone help me?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Ok, I found an error with Blender 2.93 alpha but it's a different one and not in 2.92. Here's my code for the execute function: Pasteall/0h9F (Python) 

    I could be wrong, but from the error it looks like you might be trying to select  or deselect the UVs before the UV editor is open or before you're in Edit Mode? Context errors  generally mean that you're either in the wrong editor or in the wrong mode. 

  • n0n3xx replied

    Thank you very much, Now it works perfectly fine!