I was curious, in the Melvin lip sync, if you used a video reference to get the general body motions as he is talking or if they were done from imagination or something like that. I feel I should shoot my own reference to get the body movements I want since video references really help me out, but also because I'm still pretty new to animating.
Hi Colby.
Nope. For the Melvin lip sync shot, all the body movements are reacting to the sound I hear and I'm creating this with my imagination.
In the Baker lip sync shot. Yes, those movements are animated from reference.
It's a skill to practice both ways, so here is my advice to you.
Why not practice this both ways too!
One submission w/o reference for the body.
And then one version with. This will be better if you chose a different audio clip for both of these too.
Yes I know it's twice the work, but you clearly love learning animation so this is really going to help you!
I'm here to help you, and I would recommend starting with the reference version first.
Go, Colby, Go!