Only one vertex group on the list

When I parent my gun mesh with Armature, in the vertex group I only see root vertex group. There is no other ones.

If I add them manually, they don't move my geometry.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Interesting, when you parented the rifle to the armature did you choose Armature Deform With Empty Groups? That's what will create a group for each of the bones in the rig. 

  • loneranger1218 replied

    I'm using my own mesh and did it exactly like you show on video. When I add groups manually and assign to parts of my mesh, they don't move it. Only root bone works.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Can you share your file via dropbox or something? 

  • loneranger1218 replied

    Rig is in separate collection which should be active.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Oh I see! It's because the armature modifier takes one armature as an input while all of your bones are separate armatures. Quick fix is to select all your armatures, make the root the active object, and press Ctrl+J to join. 

    For more about working with armatures and bones, I would definitely recommend Wayne's new rigging course:

    Hope that helps!

  • loneranger1218 replied

    Yes, it's working! Thank you for help and quick answer ;)