I've been searching for some courses that could dive into the basics and understandings of Materials & Texturing? I'm a beginner and noticed a lot of the tutorials I came across is outdated. I was wondering if anyone could lead me to some videos, tutorials on the fundamentals with the updated version of blender?
have you tryed or done these already ?
ist not a 2.9 tutorial but that should not be a problem here.
even if you run in a problem let us know and we will do our best to help you out :)
another great course if youre pretty new is the rocket modeling course (you also get to work with texture, materials but even with particles , going in node editor ...)
Yukino's suggestions are good. If I may add...
The Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading is probably where you want to start.
I took this course a few months ago and took a lot of notes. I have already referred back to them several times, which for me is quicker than re-viewing the entire video. I then followed up by taking portions of the Shader Forge course that interested me.
You may be turned off of the Shader Forge course because it is "old." I can tell you that the workflow still pertains to 2.9. The main problem that I encountered pretty quickly was the Voronoi Texture, which has changed in recent versions of Blender. But, I found a solution very quickly by reading the questions posted by other students. I have learned in working on CG Cookie that if I encounter a problem, often is the case that others have also and a solution can easily be found. I usually read the questions before viewing the course, so that I can see what obstacles I might encounter.
Good luck with your journey.