Cartoon Art Style Question

I'm trying to find resources on non-photorealistic rendering, and I think the terminology is confusing me.  I want to learn rendering that looks like Disney/Pixar/Fortnite/many other art styles that are not necessarily photorealistic... they look like computer graphics.  When I research non-photorealistic rendering, I always end up with 2D style, toon outlines, or anime.  While these are very cool styles, that's not what I'm looking for.  So what is the right thing to search for to find resources non-realistic, yet still 3D looking and cartoon-ey art styles?  

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    It's called NPR style. And also stylized art style. It exists and is not as popular but there are resources out there. Kent Trammell is hosting a live stream collaboration project that is going to be right up your alley here in the next month. I highly encourage you to register for the live stream! It is a project though which is where you'll get to sink your teeth into this. (The shading and texturing I hope is a part of the course).

  • picheaa replied

    Thanks Shawn.  NPR is one of the terms I have been looking for, but i wasn't sure as i always seemed to end up with cell/outline or 2D type stuff.  I will keep looking using that term.  Thanks for taking the time to reply, and have a great day!

    **edit:  P.S. Is there a link to the livestream you mentioned?

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Not yet. But he mentioned it in the previous live stream about the winter tree. (Also an NPR livestream). You might enjoy that one.

    There is a dude on here that posts his work every now and then that is at the heart of that style.
    Sebastian Cavazolli (he has a plants vs zombie workflow time-lapsed that is beautiful).

    Grant Abbitt on Youtube is also big into stylized artwork.