Hi, I'm not sure how to export my file after finishing your tutorial.
Do I re-render?
What are my export options/
I'd like to post this on LInkedin but not sure how to export.
export would be used to transfer your mesh out of Blender to an fbx or obj, etc. file (these options are found "file/ export")
the answer to your question seems to me that you need to find where the render got saved to or as you mentioned rerender to a known location
hope this helps
Hi, i still am waiting for explanation as to how to export all layers into an mp4 video?
Made it through the complete course and now I can export it to show others... bummer
Thanks, and yes, i did bring all the rendered files in and they added to the timeline.
From here is where I am stuck.
2 steps forward 3 steps back - appreciate any help;)
My compositer viewer node is white and not showing results.
Worked so many hours on this would appreciate some help.
jjuliepop11 did you accidentally plug in the Alpha from your image?
Please share a screenshot, so we might be able to see what is wrong.
Hey jjuliepop11 ,
I'm a bit late to the party, I hope you solved your problem.
Once you finish compositing you will need to render an animation.
For an mp4 video, go to the output properties, under output select FFmpeg Video as the file format, then under encoding select MPEG-4 for the container , then H.264 for the video codec, or you can select from the presets (green circle)
Then render an animation , this will save to your temporary folder. if you wish to save to a specific location on your computer click the folder icon and select a location on your hard drive.
You can then post the video any where you like.
Sorry it took so long to get the answer. You probably figured it out already.