Is it still worth following this course given Blender is now 2.91?

The very last version I used was 2.79 before 2.80 was released. I waited before I wanted the new fork to mature. Now that 2.91 is released, is this tutorial still relevant or 2.91 changed a lot?

  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    The UI, notably the modifiers panels, are slightly different (applying modifiers is done from a drop-down or hotkey combo now) but otherwise this course is still perfectly valid.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Agreed, only fairly minor things have changed when it comes to what's in these lessons. If you run into any problems with finding anything just let us know! 

  • Kaleigh (kaleightiffany89) replied

    No problems with the tutorial , and I have Blender 2.92. The basics are still the same with just some extra buttons to play with. But its all easy to follow with out looking up extra stuff.