Bone Constraint not working

Hey there,

great video so far. I have some troubles with adding a bone constraint. After i added it, nothing happens. Also when i want to remove the already existing constraint, an error message occurs "Disabled: Cannot edit constraints coming from library override".

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Alex.  It sounds like you are linking in the character using Library Overrides and not the Proxy way of linking.

    In my opinion, the Proxy way is far less buggy than Library Overrides.  The latter was meant to be production ready by 2.82 although it still isn't quite there yet.  There are many things that can't be overridden yet (like constraints)

    So I would suggest sticking with the Proxy way for the time being.  I believe that is shown in the main part of this recorded course.

  • alex1666 replied

    Yeah i heard that as well and thought, enough time went by, that this feature is ready. In this case i will stick to the proxy way. Thank you for your fast response!

  • Reece (MightyGenerator) replied

    @waylow in 2.92 is this still buggy? My weapon to hand ik. r isn't working. The hand is moving but the gun not. I will try the proxy workflow.

    EDIT: With the proxy workflow it works as exspected.

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hey Peter,
    I'm not exactly sure what your "weapon to hand IK" is, but if it is using a custom property and library overrides, you will need to make sure all the custom properties have "Is Library Overridable" enabled.

    This will allow the Override system to edit this in the linked file.

    I still wouldn't recommend  using library overrides just yet though - maybe one day soon haha.

    But here is a python script that will edit all the custom BONE properties on the active armature object.


    import bpy

    rig = bpy.context.active_object

    bones = [bone for bone in rig.pose.bones]

    for bone in bones:

        for key in sorted(bone.keys()):

            if key not in '_RNA_UI':

                bone.property_overridable_library_set(f'["{key}"]', True)

    Hope that helps