Downloaded the file 2 times and get the same error. It says Blender could not read blend file and opens up to only a default cube? Am I doing something incorrectly? I tried on both 2.90.1 and 2.83 LTS Thanks. Anyone else hav the same problem?
Thanks for responding. Now I know Im not messing up somehow. Always extremely likely for me.
It's also impossible to append objects from that file although it has 70 MB:
The missing DNA block and the fact that you can't even Append from the .blend means that it is completely unusable.
This might be due to a sudden crash during saving or so. Maybe Chris Bailey can rename the .blend1 backup file (if he has one) to a .blend and with luck, that will be openable...There doesn't seem to be any other solution.
Sorry guys, just seeing your comments now. I'll work out what's going on. Thanks for the heads up!
I just downloaded the file again and it works - just saw Jonathan's comment so I guess reuploading it fixed it! Win :-)