Problem with cone damping and friction and smoke emitter blind texture .

I’m having problems with the cone damping and friction.The particles will just spread covering the whole top of the launchpad and some of the particles will go off the edges of the launchpad. I make sure to put the setting in like in the video but I still can’t get it to work and I can’t get the blind texture for the smoke emitter to work too here’s my blend file.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Seems to work just fine. When I'm not mistaken the Colorramp in your blend texture should be flipped, so that the particles go from large to small:

  • jesse94 replied

    In one of the videos when he his working with the blend texture and he flip the black and while around in the colour ramp in the preview he have's a little more white then black a little more then half but when I flip the black and white around I get way more black then white. Why is that? 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    that is just the size (width) of the Preview Window: