Setting up an isometric view camera

I've found two usefull descriptions about setting up different types of isometric view camera here and here.

  • Chunck Trafagander(chunck) replied

    Hey that's awesome! Great resources, thanks for sharing! :)

  • Benjamin Lee(relidin) replied

    I was wondering what's the standard camera setup for 45 degree tile based game. Thank you for introducing the concept of isometric project.  I've just rewritten Create ISO Cam Addon (a Blender 2.6 addon wrote by Reiner 'Tiles' Prokein ) to make it compatible with 2.91. It lets you to create isometric camera with one click. Hope it helps.

    * Download and install

    * 3D view -> Shift-A -> Camera

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    @relidin Thank you for your update of the "Create Iso Cam Addon". It works really fine 👍!

  • Benjamin Lee(relidin) replied

    Glad to hear it works! It's my first  attempt to write a Blender addon and I've found it's way less stressful than modeling the pivot desk lamp :3