
Pet Pals Work In Progress

1 love

I know compared to some of the outstanding work on here this is very basic but I couldn't have achieved this without the help of CG Cookie.  This is a Roblox game I am producing for my children, who love checking in to see what I have added for them.  Hope you like the silly little characters and I have added a video to showcase the game as it currently is.  Has been a real steep learning curve over the last couple of years, while balancing shift work and family.  Just enjoying the process, learning lots of new skills along the way.  

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  • That's incredible! Well done

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Dude that's amazing and lovely. It's super cute and a great idea. Plus it's like turning Blender learning into a family event, there's no better goal. Awesome stuff 🤘

    • Paul Whidborne(Umbrinox) author

      Thanks Omar, and thank you for your support during my CGCookie journey 👍🏻