I'm between projects/courses today so I started playing around with some generative modeling. Pretty cool the results you can end up with. Gave me another chance to play around with lighting which I love doing possibly more than anything else. Anyway, here's a few renders of my fun today.
Off to start another course.
Side note: I'm using the better lighting add-on, and a couple of the renders (last three I believe) I used the Shader Plus v4 thin film BSDF presets(Pearlescent and oil slick).
Now, how’s that for ‘the light at the end of the tunnel?’ Like, Stay Positive: You Can Make It!🤣
Sorry: couldn’t resist it; I just love pop-psychology and all that ‘motivational’ or ‘inspirational’ talk.😉
Super cool result, it's almost like what the neurons of an evil mind would look like. Like the insides of a Sith Lord's head.
Reminds me of the symbiote from Spider-Man haha