
Edifier Speaker Final

8 loves
Did a little modeling practice.
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    • Everett Hofffman(everettmhoffman) author

      Ah no it's not rigged. I had no idea how to do that when I made it haha

    • K
      Dennis Gordon(KingDennisG)

      It looks great. It needs rigging for sure. Well done man.

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Nicely done. Those first ones have a great presentation with the soft white light. Those can basically be used as product shots for a magazine. Simple yet appealing. Good work man 🤟🏼

    • Everett Hofffman(everettmhoffman) author

      Thank you! My background is in product videography/photography so I'm trying to make things look as real as possible. I feel like 3D is the future of product photography/videography.