We recently had a group of 15 dedicated CG Cookie citizens join us as Lifetime Members. This got us thinking: let's get to know them better! We asked a few questions and thought you might be curious as well. Here is our "Meet the Member" mini-series on our notable members.
Meet Martin Starchel aka Mastart
Martin is Austrian and lives in Switzerland. He found Blender way back in 2009 when he was in rehab after an accident and could no longer work at his job. While looking for new opportunities when he stumbled across Blender somewhere around version 2.49.
He didn’t stick with it at the time, but came back to Blender years later.

Martin's gaming console based on our course Press Start
Martin's goal is to continue learning while helping out on one project or another. He intends to dig deeper into animation and rigging.
“It's actually a challenge I underestimated," says Martin "but I can’t say Wayne didn’t warn us.”

"Because you need an 11th," says Martin about his amplifier knobs
One of his favorite CG Cookie courses is Creating a Stylized 3d Forest Environment with Blender. Well Martin, get ready for Kenan’s environmental course, ASTRAY, coming at you here on the Cookie very soon!

Zuriga coffee machine
He also loves the CG Cookie community at large, “The best moments are when you ask questions and get the right answers, no matter how pointless they are.” We couldn’t agree more. There are no pointless questions, only pointless…wait I don’t think that is the saying.
Finally, the mandatory question: what is your favorite cookie, Martin? “Chocolate, of course...or should I say a CG Cookie...is this a trap?”
Martin says you can ask him anything, so feel free to ask away in the comments or just say hello.
You can also visit Martin's CG Cookie portfolio or see more of his work on his ArtStation profile.
Nice to meet you, Martin!
Awesome article on Martin! It's inspiring to know that you explored 3D a little bit then came back to Blender after your accident. Great work!
Sorry my late response. Thank you for your comment. I think I did make the right choice. Blender is Great and Cgcookie gives me the opportunity to go further then with YT videos.
Great read, Martin! Your renders tell me you are into guitar gear, do you play in a band?
sorry for my late response, I did play in a Band but since I am quadriplegic my fingers don't have the power anymore for playing.
Welcome to the lifetime 🍪 Cookie club Martin! We're glad to have you a part of it! Happy Blending!
Thank you Wes. Glad you started with cgcookie. you did make the right choice. Tank you!!!
This one goes to 11!
Spinal Tab... lol what an old movie. Rated with over seven * on the IMDB....