
Favorite Spot Exterior Work In Progress

Modeling the Spy House Building. Will probably drop much simpler cubes with projected images on them for the surrounding buildings one can see from Spy House. An extension of the Lamp and "Now I need to model everything" for my favorite little nook to work in.
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  • wardred author

    TIP Don't load 16MB .png files. Go ahead and convert them to .jpgs. . . or render them as that from the get go if you can. (I need to check if that's possible.) Works MUCH better.

  • wardred author

    On that coffee sign, even with a "Sun" light the sign was way too dark without adding emission.

    I need to spend more time with lighting and texturing.

  • wardred author

    A little bit of a mess.
    I started out with building projection. . . which worked really well for a flat box.

    Then I started in on the details. I'm still figuring out the details for the 45 degree door.

    I feel like I want to get out there with a tape measure and get actual measurements rather than guesstimates from the photo.

    Pretty happy with how the exterior Coffee Sign on the left of the building is turning out.