
Sci-fi Room Challenge 2021 -Kids will be kids Final

This is a kid’s room on a space station. As you can see children still don’t make their beds, pick up their toys or remember to close cage doors all the time. I also decided that books, teddy bears, building blocks and chocolate chip cookies definitely will still exist in the future. Things learned in no specific order - definitely plan the story better at the beginning, thus there is no armature on the pink creature. It should have had a ball rig, but that is currently beyond me. The textures are all pretty simple and no texture painting, again just not enough time. There is also very little uv unwrapping. There is also no compositing, again time and lack of knowledge. Definitely need to listen to the camera and lighting videos again. On the plus side, I like the little story, learned a fair amount about armatures and how to add a driver to a shape key among many other things. Thanks for running this challenge. About the last 2 seconds has audio.
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  • Well done ttanya53 ,
    Your a winner 🏆 and well deserved.

  • Jonathan Lampel(jlampel)

    Ha, I love the animation on the toys! That was a nice touch. Lots of cute details to enjoy here :)

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    Love the concept of a child's sci-fi room! Lots of quite things going on. The fish won me over the instant I saw them. And are those Furbies?! Of course they would stand the test of time 😆

    The only criticism I'd offer is that the camera work is a bit robotic which can be a little rough on the viewer. Smoothing out the F-curves and making more subtle movements would help. Just something to consider for future projects.

    Overall really great work, Tanya! Very unique submission 👏

  • oh boy, i'd like to be 6 again and come play in this room! very well done!

  • i must admit i'm speechless - it is so lovely, what a room for kids to grow up.

  • I think this kids room is great, I love the little creatures, and the fish, and the UFO's.
    Kids toys may change in the future , but the parents will always be there to tidy up! 👍

  • Everything is so darn cute.
    The animation is fabulous.

  • So fun! I love all the little creatures throughout, especially the fish, they're so funny. Great job!