CGI 3D Animated Short Film: troubleSHOOTING Animated Short Film by SERGBEL Studio
The story of an AI robot who has to protect his data center from the intruders, but it didn't go according to plan...
“troubleSHOOTING” is an 3D animated sci-fi comedy short film done in Blender 2.92 and rendered with EEVEE render engine
ricardog thank you very much :)
I love it. I've been working on my own robotic short film for 6 months now (no planned end date yet), and I realize the hard work behind this film.
I like very much the camera movement and plane changes, that make the video engaging. I struggle so very much with this things.
duerer haha nice
comicsserg I had to hunt two flies today and that reminded me of your robot: But fortunately the Earth has survived it 😉😁!
duerer thank you :)
comicsserg This moth hunt was a complete success😉😁! I very much enjoyed your short film 👍!