rrnelso You can click onto the link https://cgcookie.com/community or in the Website's menu header onto "Community" and there on the entry "Forum". In the forum click on the "New" button in the top right corner below the website's menu header. In the dropdown menu select "Forum Topic". Now you can give your Polybook a title and a description as well as title image (see for example my polybook here:https://cgcookie.com/questions/13658-ingmar-s-polybook ). You can edit this polybook header later at any time. As "Sub Category" choose "Polybooks". After finishing all your settings, press the "Submit" button. Now you can start posting your newest creations or ask question to the community.
rrnelso That's already a good start! Maybe you could create a "Polybook" with your username in the forum (https://cgcookie.com/community) where you can post screenshots of your works in progress and ask for help.
rrnelso You can bookmark your polybook by clicking on the bookmark symbol in the top right corner of your polybook's header.
rrnelso You can click onto the link https://cgcookie.com/community or in the Website's menu header onto "Community" and there on the entry "Forum". In the forum click on the "New" button in the top right corner below the website's menu header. In the dropdown menu select "Forum Topic". Now you can give your Polybook a title and a description as well as title image (see for example my polybook here: https://cgcookie.com/questions/13658-ingmar-s-polybook ). You can edit this polybook header later at any time. As "Sub Category" choose "Polybooks". After finishing all your settings, press the "Submit" button. Now you can start posting your newest creations or ask question to the community.
rrnelso That's already a good start! Maybe you could create a "Polybook" with your username in the forum (https://cgcookie.com/community) where you can post screenshots of your works in progress and ask for help.