jpgaelzer Thanks for your detailed explanations 👍! This will for sure help me learning how to animate Grease Pencil drawings 🎨. I'm looking forward to your next project 😀!
duerer I think you must to look about constraints, Here on CGCookie, Wayne have a great fresh new course about Rigging (Learn How to Rig Anything in Blender | Fundamentals of Rigging), you should look for this. And you must look about Dedouze´s grease pencil tutorial on YouTube (Blender 2D/3D for beginners, drawing and animating with greasepencil (blender 2.8) - Part 1/2). I think this is a great start point. Here I am using a constraint "Track To" on the Grease Pencil Object to the camera. So, where the camera goes, the gpencil´s will rotate to it. After that, I set the GPencil > Stroke Placement to 3D Cursor and the GPencil > Drawing Plane to View. Everytime, before you draw in a keyframe, you must put the 3D cursor in the GPencil origin. This is very important, belive me. 🤣🤣🤣. And, after that, draw every single frame on the camera mode / camera view. In my case, I animated the mesh/airplane before. With that done, I created a grease pencil object and parented it on the mesh, inside the airplane. That was what I did. I hope it helps you! If I can help more, let me know!
Thanks also to your tips in the comments!
looks great!!!
Nice work