Personal work. Made with Blender and cycles.
Modeled and textured everything in Blender.
36 hours of work.
Let me tell you that the idea was to have a scene with low key lighting.
I love the cans! Also, that weird detail of "why is the turned on in the laundry basket?" is a detail I'm really in to. Makes me look at the other details harder, wondering what the story is here. Very cool!
Thanks guys! really appreciate it.
This is great! I really like the mood and the story you've built up with this scene.
Very nice atmosphere, composition and lighting! Beautiful pictures!
Why is the TV turned on *
I love the cans! Also, that weird detail of "why is the turned on in the laundry basket?" is a detail I'm really in to. Makes me look at the other details harder, wondering what the story is here. Very cool!