My friend and colleague at work asked me to make his favorite PvP character from a game and I spent a few months on it on and off. I finished about a week ago but wanted to add some steam coming out of the floor vents but I will be very busy at work for the next couple of weeks so I would not have time(I was almost there '( So I am going to end this chapter and call it Final. I also struggled with getting the motion blur right for the blasters but couldn't get it in the end. Still, hope you guys like it :)
Thanks for the comment and you are right. The more I look at it the more it looks like a failed attempt at Beat Sabre on Easy. I am busy trying to salvage at least some of it and re-upload.
If these green and blue streaks are her enemies firing at her, I’d make them, sort of, converging on her a little closer: otherwise, it looks more like a dance floor than a battleground—although for a game, it’s just what the doctor ordered, I guess, especially with a suitable soundtrack. :-)