"Demons need a healthy start to the day too, and what could be better than a big bowl of Sinnamon Bone Crunch Flakes?"
I guess you could consider this "A Friendly Commission 2" as this was a scene requested by a friend, albeit a slightly edited version. Either way this one was a lot of fun, especially considering I learnt more about 2D. Yeah, I'm still at the "I don't know what the hell I'm doing," stage of 2D but I think even now it's an improvement over my first one that I attempted a couple weeks ago. There are a few things I would've liked to do such as improve the details on the spoon and improve the shading in general but I think it was an improvement over my last attempt, as I said.
I'm quite happy with this on the 3D front too, though more details would've always been nice. Pro tip though, the compositor can take an average scene and truly elevate it! It's not over until it's over...
Textures from Poliigon, TextureHaven
HDRI from HDRIHaven
Background Image from Pexels
Modeled, textured, lit and rendered in Blender 2.79 Cycles
Cereal box design made in Krita & GIMP 2.0
yyukinoh1989 Oops, forgot to tag you.
Thank you! And yeah, you're right about the cereal looking flat on the box, it's just I'm not particularly good at 2D drawing yet so I didn't now how to draw a 3D perspective on them haha.
really nice work love the complete scene . one small detail (but dont see it as someting that is bad but just could improved) the cereals on the box could used a bit more depth) aside from that amazing work man you did great .
😂 Great work Aaron. That cereal box is awesome!