My take on the 'Interior Architectural Vizualization' course. I basically used the same assets provided by the course. The background image shows the skyline of The Haque :).
Thank you very much Jonathan Williamson, I learned a lot during this course!
Good work.
I've done this course recently and I realized some issue with the materials.
Specially the floor, where you can see some kind of weird metallic shine. Ithink the problem comes from using a colour in the Glossy BSDF. Only metallic materials should use colour for the gloss, as you can see in so many PBR Shader tutorials. I think that if you change the Gloss Colour to plain white you will see a big improvement.
I'm not an expert at all, so excuse me if I'm missing something.
@wesburke Thanks for your hint, I totally overlooked it :). I think I'll try animation next. Also I am trying to reproduce a scene from a movie. Thanks again for your comment!