
Midnight Writing Final

I have always had an inspiration of a scene like this, similar to scenes of history from the National Treasure movie. Something about being in a cozy area of a room, staring at a window, writing down knowledge or research within books, and a candle to top it off.
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  • starry You have several good points, and by all means, destroy my heart with critiques! I'm always wanting to hear what others have to say, good or bad! You might have a great point about the gap being too big, mainly on the bottom of the stack there. Seriously, the spectacles were a last minute addition that I thought was perfect, and I kept it. You're right about the feathers. It had a technical issue where they would not all be attached and I tweaked the heck out of it and felt like it was time to move on. It was one of those things. My friend always bugs me that there should have been some way, which I will find out someday, just no today lol I think you're right, capturing the mood is so important, but I also feel that realism helps support the mood and keep it flowing. I think that's debatable. I really appreciate what you had to say, and if you have anything more to say, let me know! Thank you so much, it really seems like you loved this one! lol

  • Another atmospheric piece! I love the mood. The books are great - although I wonder if some of the covers sit a little too far away from the pages? I love the spectacles! The only thing that really needs a bit of tweak is the feather. Its obviously a good pen, well used but the 'hair' is not attached at the base and wing feathers usually don't go quite as fluffy... I hope you don't mind my unasked for opinion! Overall you have done a near perfect job! What I think is more important than technical skill is the ability to capture a mood or feeling - you have that in spades!

  • pointoflife14 Oh I know dude, I feel the same way every time I look at this. So proud!

  • This is indeed a very inviting piece of art! Not only great work but very pleasant to keep looking at! Killer