This is my jellyfish render, from Kent T's course. I used an underwater stock image for the background instead of an Elipse Mask just to see if it would work. I also made my own "ocean particles" using Affinity Photo, as well as used the "Prism Glass" Shader (instead of default glass) which has the ability to add "Dispersion" in the node. I used that on the tentacle arms. I think it came out fairly well.
pointoflife14 Wow, invaluable tips. Thanks so much!
@recast: You will love it. However, if you're using 2.79, you'll have to make sure to do the following: "What I did was add a Simple Deform modifier and place it as the first thing on the stack (So /visually above/ the cloth sim's modifier that's added when you enable the physics!), and at the first frame, keyframed the rotation at 0 degrees, at frame 30, keyframed the rotation at 45, and at 60, keyframed to 0 again. All good! Looks basically identical to the tutorial!"
I'll be doing this course soon too. This looks great! Wow!
ssorta :Thank you. Great course by the way
@jlampel Thanks Jonathan.
Nice result David, it looks good!
This looks really good, it really does look like it's underwater.