
The Lost Generation Ship Final

I created this for a contest and it didn't do well, but I'm not really sure what I might have done to improve it.
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  • If I might add.
    you might want to play around with the focal length and target something in the mid-ground. Possibly add a figure in the foreground to tie in the sense of depth as well. All very subjective but if it helps.......... ;)

  • rrklaffehn Thanks a lot for the feedback! I did some color balancing in the composite to bring out the blue in the sky, but maybe that was a bad idea. I wanted to make it feel a little alien.

    The sand I think you're right, I knew there was something off about it but couldn't put my finger on it!

  • Good idea to add the human to get a sense of scale.
    What I think could improve the render is:
    - The sky color doesn't feel right.
    - Add some clouds to the sky to make it look less uniform.
    - The sand is looking too uniform too. Add some slight color variation and more noise to the ripples.