Hey guys, this is my WIP "Tank" character, Volkov. He's an early 20-something mechanical engineering prodigy and refugee fleeing a (fictional) European territory in turmoil. He absconds stateside, upon acceptance to a affluent and prestigious, but somewhat, cloak-and-dagger STEM university. There he receives a top-tier Tech Education and asylum from his home gov't, which wishes to reacquire his technical genius for nefarious reasons.
I tried to exaggerate his upper-body/arms to make him look more hulking. Works or no?? Would also love feedback on texturing, if anyone has ideas. Thanks!
I would sugguest watching fundamentals of texturing, in the introduction to blender learning flow.
This guy is supposed to be a lo-poly asset for a small game demo in Unity (he's under 7500 poly). But I was trying to channel some of Kent's Sci-fi Helmet tut to see how he looked with tex-paint, AO, and cav map. Would love advice if you have any
Thanks for feedback 93! I agree--as a matter of fact thats exactly what I'm working on right now. Except its taking forever because of nominal understanding/exp with texture-paint/atlas, and BI.
The textures look okay. I think they are just a little too clean, add some wear and tear to make the armor look used.