So Close to Finishing my Rigging. Just Eye Lids left...and thought I'd trial what I've done that last week or so...and I seem to have an error with the eyes.
When I move the Eye Control, the eyes rotate out of the sockets...I've tried locking the transform, and ensuring the origin is setup correctly...and no difference.
why not just join the eye meshes to the proxy eyes, then delete the proxys in edit mode, leaving the render eyes in their place? Or duplicate the proxys and do the method above?
Hey, I hope you are getting on better than I am! For some reason, the eyes are completely messed up (see above!) The Proxy Eyes work fine, but render black, and the actual eyes rotate everywhere and just do their own thing. I've looked at Kents Source model, and I can't figure out what I've done wrong. What have you done with your eyes?
Hey bud, im at exactky the same stage as you :)
I keep forgetting about the community page...I'll open a thread there.
the help you want/need might be better acheived if you open a topic for it on the community forums...