Lisa, your knowledge is priceless to me; thank you so much. This being my first attempt, I started with plain sculpey clay, and changed over to Sculpey Souffle clay, which explains her two tone. She has a wire armiture frame. I found that I had to model, and bake quite often, as I kept blurring up other parts of this soft clay. I'm planning on your choice of clay next time. I also ran into quite a bit of trouble smoothing certain areas after adding onto several times, and would have liked more muscular tone. Looking on her now, I see that she does need a little more bulk to her, and maybe hair falling away from her body more? Now I'm stuck trying to fiqure out how to mold her, since she's in a sitting position. Do you recommend painting her first? Would you recommend a box mold or two part mold, dividing back and front, or left and right? And where would I need to place vents? I would appreciate any help honestly, from you and the community.
Thank you so much.
Having trouble with getting my replies through. Thank you so much Pharm. I'm amazed at the incredible talent for critique available to us. Your Cowboy image is amazing.
Thank you Pharm. It's so thrilling to be able to be surrounded by such talent. Your Cowboy boots image is incredible.
Thank you Leaniv. I can't wait to get it finished.
Thank you so much.You're work is amazing. I really love your cowboy boot image.
I'm impressed. I wish I could answer some of your questions but you're way ahead of me in the sculpting department (AND my name's not Lisa - ha). Well done!
for a first attempt is really amazing! Specially the lower legs and the cloth wrinkles,they look very natural
Very nice!