
Blurry Materials Final

Could someone point me in a good direction? I've followed the tutorial to the letter, but my render / materials seem really blurry? Any ideas? It's a bit frustrating as this is the 3rd attempt at getting the materials and such sorted, and I thought I was finally ready to move on to rigging!
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  • Eagerly await the improved version. I am glad it is progressing ahead. ;)

  • I changed the number of samples up to 500 I believe, completely changed my lighting as I think the rim light emission was set far too high for example.

    This has completely changed the render, and made a lot more what I was expecting!

  • Thanks for taking the time to type all that out. I'm unfortunately out of the country until the end of March now, so won't be able to progress Piero.

    Before I left I did change a few bits that you have mentioned and it has made a big difference. I also changed my lighting setup which helped a lot.

    The only thing I didn't get round to doing was darkening his red material, which I will do when I get back.

    Once again, thanks for the tips, I've put them to good use!

  • Thanks :) I try to help where I can, as plenty of people on here have helped me including yourself.

  • I too am doing this course and am pretty much at the same stage as you. From what I have learned on the course, I would say the following issues that you could do to sort are:

    1. Darken the red material on the body, it shows through as pink which is lightening your feathers and makes any gaps between feathers very noticeable

    2. You need to increase the feather count on the body, there are a lot of bald spots which make him look un-natural. Turn up the children in the particle system until the bald spots go away or tweak the size of the feathers

    3. The alpha map for your feathers is too uniform and stops suddenly creating a pink, semi transparent edge around your wing feathers and a red centre. This is probably the biggest cause of the blurryness. tweak and play around with your alpha map and the colour ramp connected to it to get a smooth transition from red to translucent

    4. your bump map and texture painting on the beak is very strong making the beak look as if it has black cracks on it rather than light scrathches. I would tone it down a bit.

    Other than that, I think you are on the right track. I dont think you need to re-do your materials, rather just tweak them. I have really struggled with this course so I can appreciate your issues and I think you have done really well to get to this stage. Just remember, every hour spent on this bird is an hour of learning, even if it is tweaking and experimenting, it will always be helping you to get better at Blender :)

    Keep up the good work and dont take my advice as the gospel. Im still in-experienced but I thought I would give you my opinion since I am doing the coure too. :)

  • Cycles?
    The feathers look translucent along the edges more than blurred. Image resolution, camera focal point and length, Number of samples.

  • I can't help you as i am a novice, just wanted to tell you that bird looks amazing.